Wall of Fear

He is handsome...full of self-confidence that is mixed with slight of ego and professionalism. I liked him. Men rarely grab my attention.

Although the meeting was harsh, what he said makes sense. From a professional point of view, I should not be feeling offended. I was already frustrated from another meeting.
I went to the meeting knowing the result in advance. I was challenging myself. I went there on purpose to face it...to know the result and to fix what's wrong. I just wanted to break the barrier of fear...wanted to destroy it.

On my way back, as I drive my car, I kept asking myself 'did he ask me to come all that way to Smart Village to reject the whole subject?!' He apologized for being cruel...but I don't think he was. I liked the way he did it...I liked how professional he was.

Deep inside...I came up with good experience. That's what I keep thinking of nowadays. Even if I'm frustrated from a lot of stuff, and although I am tired running after goals that I haven't achieved yet, I learnt a lot. I became much more mature than last day! Yeah...it's true. Everyday, I get more mature than the day before.

When I was a kid, I hated that feeling of fear. I used to overcome my fear towards anything by doing it. If I am afraid of darkness; I turn off the lights, close the door and sit in the darkness. "It's OK"...I tell myself.

Now, I am much more confident. I defend my rights. I speak about my dream and goals with pride. I speak frankly about my beliefs. I face situations and try to solve it. I don't hide behind the wall of fear.

We all have the right to be afraid. However, I always had an issue with men who surrender to their fears...who avoid confrontation...who cannot face even the closest people, even those they love! They just leave all issues opened...their life is suspended, waiting for decisions they never make. It's very uncomfortable. It builds many barriers between you and those you love because there are always unsolved issues between you. Maybe if we can just discuss the issues and solve it, there will be no more barriers...no hard feelings...no torture...nothing that hurts you every second of the day because it is always there, inside, vulnerable to your thoughts and judgement.

Even if confrontation hurts for moments and it's really hard, but it heals the whole future and save you much pain. You will just feel you are your own self. You will be proud. You will love yourself much more. Your whole life will change dramatically. If you only have enough courage!

I respect that man. Actually, I like him. I am happy I can get over my wall of fear.


  1. ~ Brave little Cinderella start to rule her world already. ^_^ The little princess always kept in touch with her inner beauty and wisdom, without letting anybody to ruin her world. At least, I hope so! ^_^


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