
Showing posts from November, 2018

Inspiration: Human Beings and Life

Whenever you think you have seen enough and that you have gone through many experiences, you find out you are still ignorant...still learning. If you believe you can now understand people because you have been through a lot, then don't. No matter how many human beings you have dealt with, people will always surprise you and you will find that you still miss much about humans. Studying human beings is very challenging. It's like an endless journey of studying. Even after you think you have known someone pretty well, people change. We change over time that we even surprise ourselves by how much we changed. Rapid change is a shock. Love has an astonishing power, however, its flame fades with time. It remains but its crazy adrenaline rush becomes dormant. However, it's very hard to hate someone after truly deeply loving them. It's even hard to forget. Memories chase you specially in the same places you went to together or when hearing a related music or when you are get...